Spring Health
safe drinking water
Affordability isn’t everything, it’s the only thing!

A simple and affordable supply of safe drinking water can do a lot here. That is why this project organizes the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on site, and the water is conveniently available in small village shops and delivered to people’s homes. The Auropure system is also used in villages to remove other harmful impurities and provide higher quantities of clean drinking water.

A simple and affordable supply of safe drinking water can do a lot here. That is why this project organizes the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on site, and the water is conveniently available in small village shops and delivered to people’s homes. The Auropure system is also used in villages to remove other harmful impurities and provide higher quantities of clean drinking water.

Spring Health provides water to the poorest populations as well as to the rural middle class. 54% of our customers are lower castes and minorities with household income of Rs. 3,600 ($60) to 12,000 ($200) per month. Spring Health has increased the income of its local entrepreneurs by over 50%.
Our Services

Spring Health builds partnerships with the local village kirana shop owner, and sets up a 2000 liter tank near their well. Our staff treats and tests the water to pronounce it safe before it is sold at 0.10 rupees per 10 liter bottle. Delivery to homes is at an additional 10 rupees.

People are at the heart of everything we do, from building relationships, listening to the needs of those we serve, with our focus on improving the health of families through safe, clean drinking water to cause everything else to improve.

Last Mile Distribution
Our service delivery model includes last mile distribution to the door steps of our families – customers homes. By providing safe, clean drinking water to their homes, their time can be spent for education, working and improving their livelihood.

Lack of Water Sources
Today, around 780 million people worldwide lack access to a treated water source mainly in rural areas, and another 3 billion people in urban and peri urban areas do not always have safe drinking water due to failing piped water systems and other reasons. In India alone, only 32% of households use treated drinking water. This leads to water borne diseases, which are a leading cause of illness in developing countries, contributing to the death of approximately two million children every year.

Our Process
A simple and affordable supply of safe drinking water can do a lot here. That is why Spring Health organizes the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on site, and the water is conveniently available in small village shops or delivered to people’s homes. There is no more need to boil the water, which thus saves additional carbon emissions. We are currently certified and selling carbon credits on the voluntary market.

Our Brand
The water is sold under the brand name of Spring Health. The consumer connects with the brand and knows it is reliable and of good quality. The brand has been in the market for over 10 years now and has been supplying water even during droughts and cyclone induced monsoon seasons. We are here to serve the families, our customers.
Our customers believe the Spring Health brand is here to stay.
Why Spring Health
Spring Health utilizes a hub and spoke model with the hubs operated by Spring Health staff and the spokes operated by local entrepreneurs and women’s’ self-help groups. By utilizing two technologies electro-chlorination or the Auropure system to clean water we are able to provide clean water in a cost effective and sustainable way.

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Our Work
About Us
Contact us at info@springhealth.in
+91 7894423401